Kel Wel Productions provides live CE for California RT’s and RN's. Sure, you could do all of your CE online and in your jammies at home.
But why not get dressed, get out, meet some new friends, have some fun, and learn live where you can ask questions and truly increase your knowledge.
Communication and Leadership - New for 2025!
Are you interested in being promoted to a position in management or leadership? Perhaps a post as a supervisor or shift lead?
Are you a staff RT doing your best to function as a team player and promote working together to get the job done?
Are you a manager trying your best to communicate with your team and with your colleagues and would like to polish your skills?
Come join us for a fun-filled half day learning communication tips, writing skills, and plenty of case studies for you to weigh in on. Guaranteed to generate a few belly laughs!
RCPs: this class meets the new California RCB continuing education requirements
Next Live Class :
TBD, stay tuned! As this is in workshop format, it's best if we have between 20 and 30 people in attendance. Our plan is to upload the content and make it an online experience for now. Check back here for updates on the live class!
NICU 2025
Do you want to learn how to work in the NICU, but cannot find adequate training?
Look no further than the Academy of Neonatal Care Course and Workshop
*** Next class: Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Van Nuys, CA April 9, 10, 11 2025
Maternal Complications Neonatal Pneumonia & Sepsis Non-invasive Ventilation
& High Risk Pregnancies Oscillator Basics Prove Yourself in the NICU
Fetal Lung Development Neonatal Chest X-rays Ventilator Waveforms
Fetal Circulation HFNC vs. CPAP Intubation Preparation
CBGs, Cord Gases, & TCOMs Apneas and Bradycardias iNO UpdateNeonatal Assessment Intraventricular Hemorrhage Jet Ventilators
NICU Ventilator Settings Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome Transports
Plus Hands-on workshops after each session. Seating is limited!
Oxygen Therapy for Nurses
Ever been stumped by a High Flow nasal cannula's settings? Do you know how to approximate delivered FI02 depending on the patient's breathing efforts? Do you use the OxyMask ™, OxyTike ™, or OxyKid ™ and do you know how to read the label and determine approximate delivered FI02? We will discuss all of this plus:
Describe the progression of 02 therapy
Describe how a pulse oximeter works
Describe safety measures to avoid delivering the wrong gas to a patient
-Learn to do Incentive Spirometry correctly!
Come for a fun and informative class and be known as "The Oxygenator" on your floor.
This class is currently available online only. Go Here: >>
Be a Pediatric Rockstar! Special Update for the Care of the RSV Patient!
Does your hospital have a Pediatric ED, or a Peds floor area, but no PICU? If you are primarily an adult RT, what do you do when they call you for a crashing kid? In this seminar, find out and always be prepared!! This course includes Peds Rockstar, a pediatric asthma update, and what to do when a trached and vented chronic kid shows up in your ED. And what about the kids with RSV?
From a recent attendee:
I really learned a lot from Pediatric Rockstar! Skills that I actually got to use at work! At my current travel assignment, there are only 2 RTs on at night and the way they divide the assignment is that one RT has the woman’s center along with L and D, and the other person gets the ED…so either way it goes, the potential is high for having to take care of a munchkin. Seriously though, I was so much more at ease, and I even taught the mom a few things!
Learn how to care for these special patients.
- Next class: November 1 at Ventura County Medical Center .
- This class is also available online. Go Here: >>
Pulmonary Rehab Courses
Become a Pulmonary Rehab RT
Have you ever wondered how you can get Into Pulmonary Rehab? Come and learn ALL of the essential steps to taking patients from initial screening to graduation. This course Includes how to rehab patients with ILD, PF, and PA, and how to treat them in the hospital as well. Also included is How to Become a COPD Care Navigator. Take your RT practice to the next level. Increase your value as an RT by being able to ‘plug in’ in Pulmonary Rehab as needed. You can register and take the course here:
Coming Soon! Critical Care Essentials
Do you ever look into the background settings on your ventilator? Do you recognize Patient-ventilator Dyssynchrony, but not sure how to fine-tune the ventilator to your patient?
Can you look at graphics and loops and determine ventilator setting changes that need to be made?
Do you know the in's and out's of pre-analytical, analytical, and post analytical (interpretation) Arterial Blood Gas errors?
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
-Tie together the ventilator's rise time, cycle off time, bias flow, sensitivity, ETC02, I:E ratio, and graphics to ensure the BEST optimized settings for your patient
- Understand which ABG results would need to be re-run, and which crazy-looking results are for real.